À propos de l'IA
Je regroupe ici quelques ressources pour penser l’IA.
Articles de blog et papiers divers
The Open Source AI Definition – 1.0 (définition de l’IA Open Source par l’Open Source Initiative (OSI))
Does Open Source AI really exist? (critique de la définition de l’OSI par tante ; pour les non anglophones une traduction de cette critique a été faite par le groupe Framalang).
AI is an ideological project to shift authority and autonomy away from individuals, towards centralized structures of power. Projects that claim to “democratize” AI routinely conflate “democratization” with “commodification”. Even open-source AI projects often borrow from libertarian ideologies to help manufacture little fiefdoms.
La série d’articles Artificial Intelligence Controversies?
La série de trois billets de blog d’Eryk Salvaggio : Slop Infrastructures 1 & 2 ; Slop Infrastructures 3 & 4 ; Slop Infrastructures 5 & 6 (voir aussi Vers un internet plein de vide ? qui en fait une belle exégèse)
I don’t see AI slop as disinformation, but about the reality that information of any kind, in enough quantities, becomes noise. It is, I argue, a symptom of information exhaustion, and an increased human dependency on algorithmic filters to sort the world on our behalf.
the world is neither a lab nor a coded simulation with reliable limits. One aspect of AI as an ideology, then, is the scientific sterilization of variety and unpredictability in the name of reliable, predictable behaviors.
BigTech companies are throwing money at artificial general intelligence (AGI), with CEOs telling us that it will come, bringing with it utopia, any day now (for the measly price of SEVEN TRILLION DOLLARS according to Sam Altman). How did AGI come to be a dominant goal in AI? What motivates the drive to attempt to build it? This page is dedicated to answering this question, starting with our paper, the TESCREAL Bundle: Eugenics and the Promise of Utopia through Artificial General Intelligence (Timnit Gebru & Émile P. Torres).
IA et consommation de ressources
- The Environmental Impacts of AI – Primer
- The Unpaid Toll: Quantifying the Public Health Impact of AI
- How much water does AI consume? The public deserves to know
- OpenAI o3 Consumes Five Tanks of Gas Per Task
- Making an image with generative AI uses as much energy as charging your phone